Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Japanese lifestyle ~ 7 ~ learning English

If you travel Japan, you may be disappointed to know Japanese people can't speak
English than expected.

Yes, generally speaking, Japanese people are not good at English.
Especially, speaking ablility is very low. Actually, some Japanese industries are
very famous worldwidely. But we don't have enough  English ability.
Not all business man can speak English.

  Now in Japan, children start to learn English from elementary school.
But our genelation  (I am 33 years old)  used to start to learn from junior high school.
Maybe it is so late to start learning second language.
And I think some Japanese rich people who live in urban city(Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto
and so on) make their children go to English school besides the school.
In my case, I have stayed in Canada for eight months. And also I have stayed in New Zealand
for one month.  And my favorite subject was English when I was in school, so I can speak and
write English.

  Why Japanese people can't speak English? There must be some reasons.
Japanese people are shy. Maybe you know that.
So Japanese people don't lile to make mistakes when they talk in English.
We are very afraid of making mistakes in front of unknown people.
 So, many Japanese people hesitate to practice English.
  And, we are living in island. People don't travel abroad easily like Europe.
There are not many chances to practice. I am living in country side.
It is quite rare to see foreign people.

But Asia is becoming very huge market nowadays. People must talk English on business.
Situation must be changing. A lot of people must be visiting at Asia.
And it is also true that many Japanese business person are eager to learn English.

But now, I still hear Japanese people are not good at English.
So if you can, please learn Japanese (simple words are OK) before you come to Japan.
I will tell useful(or funny ) expression on this blog. I will help you.

If you have any opinion, please let me know.^ ^
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Yoroshiku      onegai shimasu!!

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