Monday, November 5, 2012

Japanese habit/custom ~4~ ocyuugen, oseibo

I wrote about te miyage before.
I want to introduce the same kind of Japanese custom.
It is called '''ocyuugen'' and ''oseibo''.
Both are the gifts for your acquaintance.
During from 15th July to 15th August, we give the ''ocyuugen'' to
your acquaintance. And in December, we give the ''oseibo'' to your
acquaintance. This tradition is still remained in Japan.
We give the ocyuugen,(or oseibo) to show our thanks to the other person.
And we also give the ocyuugen(or oseibo) to the co-workers(especially
boss of your campany). Nowadays, we sometimes ask a department store
to send those kind of stuff to the house.
  For example, the gift are such as beer, whisky, coffee, ham, sausage and so on.
(Japanese people are sensitive of the price ^ ^ ; )
But I heard that some companies do not allow to do that in order to prevent
from having a cozy relationship with a certain people.

  Each person needs to remember who gave him or her the ocyuugen (or oseibo)
and give the person who gave ocyugen. It means, we exchange the ocyuugen.
We do this custom to build up the better relationship with acquaintance.
  Exchanging the gift is one of the characteristic of Japanese culture.

Thanks for reading!

Facebook page!/SeeMyJapan


  1. Don't you think it can be hypocrite? Let me explain : An acqaintance offer you something, so you feel indebted to him. You don't really appreciate him, but you must answer and offer a gift too... just because he did it.
    What do you think about it?

  2. Yes. Thst's good point.
    This situation happens occasionally. You may feel
    it is irrational and illogical.
    But Japanese people follow the
    tradition. If the receiver is
    important person on business,
    the senders would have to do
    that reluctantly.
    This tradition must be mysterious
    for European culture.^^;
