Thursday, January 31, 2013

Japanese lifestyle ~26~ Post

What does the post in your country look like?
In Japan, the post is like this.
郵便(yuubinn) means "post".
I think most of the post in Japan is like this red colored box.
When I went to Germany, the post was yellow colored box.
Frequency of collection an delivery depends on the location of post.
Usually, they collect 4 times a day,. maybe.
This post system in Japan started in 1871. We imported the system
from Britain.
  Well, when you see post or post office, you would see the symbol,
 Can you see it on the photo?
 This is the symbol of post in Japan.
 I did not know that this symbol is individual in Japan.
I heard that people started to use this symbol when Japan imported the
post system. I thought this symbol is common all over the world.
But it was not true.

 Thanks for reading!
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  1. Hm, I don't think those symbols are international - at least I haven't seen them anywhere else.
    Here in Denmark we also have red post boxes for sending out letters - they are collected twice a day, but not on Sunday.
    Hm, I can't upload pictures here to show you - sorry.

    In Denmark there is a relatively new thing that they made for collecting packages - since many people are not home at the day hours when packages are delived on the address. Now there are so called post-stations - its like many post boxes that are available 24/7 - packages are delivered there, and you just go there and collect your package when you have time. Cool and convenient :)

  2. Post station sounds convenient.
    Thanks for telling about that.

    Is post red colour in Denmark?
    It is interesting.^^
