Saturday, January 19, 2013

Japanese saying ~2~ う(u)

  Today, I introduce Japanese saying. I introduce the saying
according to the order of hiragana. If you are Japanese learner, you might know
the order of hiragana. あいうえお、かきくけこ、さしすせそ・・・・
 I use the karuta(.かるた) Do you remember it? I introduced on this blog.
 うま の みみ に ねんぶつ = uma no mimi ni nenbutsu
うま(uma) =horse
みみ = ear
ねんぶつ = pray to Amida Buddha
The meaning is... He will turn a deaf ear to your advice.
If he doesn't hear your advice at all, it is nonsense to give him your advice.
The horse can't understand the pray to Amida Buddha.
In this situation, I think this saying tells that the pray to Amida Buddha is very
valuable words. The horse can't understand how much the pray is valuable.


  1. thank you for taking the time to write such an interesting blog...good photos and information about my favorite country, Japan. i first went to Japan in 1983 so this year will be my 30 year anniversary. sugoi, ne.
    i hope you and your Family will have a very happy and healthy 2013. i will check your blog often. soredewa ogenki de. kevin york. ps. i have many photos from my travels as well as near my home in Los Angeles if you want to check out my blogs...go yukkuri.

  2. You have been the fun of Japanese culture more than 30 years! Great.
    I can keep writing because some people encourage me. Thanks.
    I watched your photos. Thanks.
    Your skill of photography is great.
