I have not introduced Onigiri on this blog.
In the story of "A white cat 一匹の白いねこ", the monk got onigiri when he was
so hungry.
Onigiri is like this stuff.
Maybe onigiri is translated "rice ball".
But in our image, onigiri's shape is a triangle(三角形sankakkei).
And onigiri is covered by dried laver.(のり) It is so easy to carry.
So, when you go to picnic, or short trip, we sometimes prepare this onigiri
for lunch. When I was kid, my mother used to make some onigiris when
I went to school trip(修学旅行syuugaku ryokou).
You can enjoy various tastes, putting something in this onigiri.
This is tarako(たらこ) taste. Tarako is salted cod roe.
I will sometimes write Japanese words for Japanese learners on this blog.
I started this blog to introduce Japanese cultures in English. I am Japanese man. The purpose of this blog is to show various Japanese cultures you can't read on guide book, TV or the other media. I want to introduce Japanese foods, natures, lifestyle, good place for sight seeing, and so on. More than 75 countries' people all over the world have checked this blog! Thank you so much! Moreover, I sometimes show a short story I have written on this blog. www.facebook.com/SeeMyJapan
Thursday, February 28, 2013
My work(children's story) ~1'~ 岩の上のイノシシ
I show the first draft of "The wild boar on the rock" for Japanese
learners. This is shorter than the last story, "A white cat".
But, I'm afraid the expression is confusing...The story telling sounds like old stylish.
Because the setting of this story is old age, I wrote in that way.
As you see the first sentence, そうな means, "I heard that " It is the narrator's voice.
It sounds old stylish, so we don't use in daily life.
I didn't assume that this first draft would show here. I did not know viewers
want to read Japanese draft. I am surprised to know that. And I am glad.
すごい!! I have heard that foreign people are eager to know something about
Japanese language. Hopefully I want to write something about language more
on this blog in the future.
English translation:
But, I'm afraid the expression is confusing...The story telling sounds like old stylish.
Because the setting of this story is old age, I wrote in that way.
As you see the first sentence, そうな means, "I heard that " It is the narrator's voice.
It sounds old stylish, so we don't use in daily life.
I didn't assume that this first draft would show here. I did not know viewers
want to read Japanese draft. I am surprised to know that. And I am glad.
すごい!! I have heard that foreign people are eager to know something about
Japanese language. Hopefully I want to write something about language more
on this blog in the future.
English translation:
杉太郎=Sugitaro person's name
太助=Tasuke person's name
熊石=Kumaishi This is a stone I named.
さて、その村には、太助という、たいへんすばらしい狩人がいたそうな。太助は決してえものを逃さない。遠くのほうにいるウサギにねらいをつけて、ひょうっと弓矢を放つと、たとえどんなにすばしっこくうごいていても当てるのだった。そのうでまえはとなりの村の人まで知っているほどだった。そして、村人はみな、太助を殿様(tonosama = a lord)のようにほめたたえた。
山から下りてきたシカでもいたんだろうか、などとうわさする者もあった。しばらくすると、足音が聞こえた日に、イノシシの親子が村の小道を走っていたのを見たものがあらわれた。村人たちは、足跡の主は黄金の毛を持ったイノシシだったとうわさするようになった。足音が村中で聞こえたそのあくる朝から、不思議(fushigi =mysterious)なことに、村人がはやりの病気で死ぬことはなくなった。太助の子どももどうにかこうにかぶじ死ぬことはなかった。やがて、村人たちは、そのイノシシは神さまで村にまよけ(mayoke =a good-luck charm, keep evil spirits away )のためにやってきたのだったにちがいないと話すようになった。
村人たちは、昔太助が黄金のイノシシの足を射た(ita = hit by arrow)ときに、杉太郎が助けてやったんだにちがいないと思った。
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Japanese lifestyle ~32~ Japanese elementary school
I had a chance to talk with a principal of elementary school.
When I was get in the Principal's room, a principal was putting many
envelopes in order.
He said, he had to ask teachers about their way of teaching.
As I introduced on this blog, taibatsu(corporal punishment)
is hot topic now in Japan.
I guess a board of education ordered elementary school to
investigate taibatsu.
Now, some of Japanese parents are so nervous of taibatsu.
I heard that there are many parents who come to school in order
to raise an objection to class management. Nowadays, if it is
escalated too much, we call the parents " Monster parents".
I heard from the principal that parents are nervous of taibatsu
and "ijime(the problem of bullying in the class)". So parents
come to school to complain about trivial matter.
I heard a story from the principal.
The principal asked the problem child's parent to come to
school. And the principal explained why the student was bad.
But the parent got angry and went back to home.
Wow, it is called 逆ギレ(gyaku gire).
逆ギレ means, you get angry in the situation when you
have to say sorry about something...^ ^ ;
逆 means, opposite and ギレ means "get angry"
It is not formal word. It is like a slang.
Nowadays, Japanese people are concerned with education
so much. And Japanese people have a lot of problems
on our education.
When I was get in the Principal's room, a principal was putting many
envelopes in order.
He said, he had to ask teachers about their way of teaching.
As I introduced on this blog, taibatsu(corporal punishment)
is hot topic now in Japan.
I guess a board of education ordered elementary school to
investigate taibatsu.
Now, some of Japanese parents are so nervous of taibatsu.
I heard that there are many parents who come to school in order
to raise an objection to class management. Nowadays, if it is
escalated too much, we call the parents " Monster parents".
I heard from the principal that parents are nervous of taibatsu
and "ijime(the problem of bullying in the class)". So parents
come to school to complain about trivial matter.
I heard a story from the principal.
The principal asked the problem child's parent to come to
school. And the principal explained why the student was bad.
But the parent got angry and went back to home.
Wow, it is called 逆ギレ(gyaku gire).
逆ギレ means, you get angry in the situation when you
have to say sorry about something...^ ^ ;
逆 means, opposite and ギレ means "get angry"
It is not formal word. It is like a slang.
Nowadays, Japanese people are concerned with education
so much. And Japanese people have a lot of problems
on our education.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Japanese habit/custom ~32~ breeding of an insect
When I went to an elementary school, I heard that children
don't do the breeding of an insect in the other cultures. Is that true???
In Japan, it is very popular for children to breed an insect, such as
a stag beetle, a beetle, a cricket, and so on. In Japan, children breed
an insect like a pet such as dog or cat.
I used to breed a stag beetle. It is not easy to get a beetle.
Children learn the habits of living things of insects through breeding.
And children learn the nature.
There is a very precious sort of a stag beetle.
As you may know, in Japan, there is an otaku culture. There are various manias in Japanese
culture. This stag beetle used to be traded by very high price among mania.
There was a big boom many years ago.
I learned that it is less than 10000 yen now nowadays. But it still costs more than 1000 yen.
don't do the breeding of an insect in the other cultures. Is that true???
In Japan, it is very popular for children to breed an insect, such as
a stag beetle, a beetle, a cricket, and so on. In Japan, children breed
an insect like a pet such as dog or cat.
I used to breed a stag beetle. It is not easy to get a beetle.
Children learn the habits of living things of insects through breeding.
And children learn the nature.
There is a very precious sort of a stag beetle.
As you may know, in Japan, there is an otaku culture. There are various manias in Japanese
culture. This stag beetle used to be traded by very high price among mania.
There was a big boom many years ago.
I learned that it is less than 10000 yen now nowadays. But it still costs more than 1000 yen.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Japanese lifestyle ~31~ Ninomiya kinjirou
I went to an elementary school today.
I introduce a statue of Ninomiya Kinjirou.
Ninnomiya Kinjirou is the name of person who is famous for his
work on agriculture at edo period.
The above picture is the stature of Ninomiya Kinjirou.
He was born in 1787 and he died in 1856. He was the director of Japanese
agriculture many years ago. He was born in farmer's family. That means,
he had to live low class under a hierarchical society. He is said that
he was so industrious person. As you see above, he is reading a book,
and he is carrying firewood on his back. It is said, when he was young,
he had to work. He studied so much, working so much.
He is one of the ideal persons of Japanese people. It is said that Matsushita
Kounosuke, the founder of Panasonic respected him during his lifetime.
I think a lot of elementary school have his statue from the wish for
becoming a person like him.
If Japanese people is asked, "who is the most industrious person in Japanese
history? " Some of men would answer Ninomiya Kinjirou.
He is kind of symbol of industrious person in Japanese history.
I watched the Yomikikase again at this school.
I watched the 1st grade of elementary school. I heard that each class has about 25 children.
They were so small and cute. ^^;
Children said,"Arigatou gozaimashita!!" altogether after the reader finished reading.
I will start to work as English teacher at cram school from March.
And I may teach Japanese to children as well.
If I can introduce what Japanese children study at Japanese class,
that would be nice.
I introduce a statue of Ninomiya Kinjirou.
Ninnomiya Kinjirou is the name of person who is famous for his
work on agriculture at edo period.
The above picture is the stature of Ninomiya Kinjirou.
He was born in 1787 and he died in 1856. He was the director of Japanese
agriculture many years ago. He was born in farmer's family. That means,
he had to live low class under a hierarchical society. He is said that
he was so industrious person. As you see above, he is reading a book,
and he is carrying firewood on his back. It is said, when he was young,
he had to work. He studied so much, working so much.
He is one of the ideal persons of Japanese people. It is said that Matsushita
Kounosuke, the founder of Panasonic respected him during his lifetime.
I think a lot of elementary school have his statue from the wish for
becoming a person like him.
If Japanese people is asked, "who is the most industrious person in Japanese
history? " Some of men would answer Ninomiya Kinjirou.
He is kind of symbol of industrious person in Japanese history.
I watched the Yomikikase again at this school.
I watched the 1st grade of elementary school. I heard that each class has about 25 children.
They were so small and cute. ^^;
Children said,"Arigatou gozaimashita!!" altogether after the reader finished reading.
I will start to work as English teacher at cram school from March.
And I may teach Japanese to children as well.
If I can introduce what Japanese children study at Japanese class,
that would be nice.
Thanks for reading!
Facebook page
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Japanese lifestyle ~30~ Shinto
I have read a book about Japanese Shinto, which is known as Japanese religion
recently. You may have heard the word, Shinto. When I was traveling in Germany
two years ago, I was asked by German about Shinto. To tell the truth, I could not
answer well...^ ^; I did not know about what Shinto is!!
But, after I read the book, I found my lack of knowledge about Shinto
is related to the essence of Shinto.
The concept of this blog is to introduce Japanese culture that is now written on guide
book. When I write some columns, I always try to keep the concept. Today, my explanation
may be like guide book. ^ ^ ; But the explanation of the book was so nice.
I show the points and then I give some comments.
- Shinto is original religion of Japan. There was Shinto before Buddhism came from Korea
- There is no the founder ← This is interesting!
- Shinto doesn't try to propagate its idea ← This is interesting!
- A nature worship is important
- polytheism But God is not omniscient and omnipotent
- There is no doctrine or dogma. ← This is interesting!
- Shinto doesn't demand you to do idol worship
- Shinto is generous toward other religion
- Shinto refrain from expressing its ideology ← This is interesting!
- Shinto believes in the after death
- People could become God under Shinto
- Human being is a part of nature. People is required to get harmony with nature
Human being can not control the nature
It is like university class...^ ^ ; Sorry. Let's forget the formalities.
As you see above, Shinto doesn't have any doctrines or dogmas.
Japanese people don't go to shrine every Sunday like Christian goes to church.
I have never heard of preach of Shinto. I don't know what the Shinto's
value or idea clearly. I learned that is is because Shinto itself refrain from
expressing its ideology to Japanese people.
But on that book, Shinto focus on integrity, sincerity,and purity.
(There is an idea water purify the people. So if you go to shrine, you see
small river around the shrine. And you see on the photos)
As I showed above, Shinto is generous toward other religion. So, if you have
chance to visit Japan, you should pray at the shrine. You can pray for your
health or success on your business.
Why isn't there doctrine?
The book explains, in Japan, the race is same so Japanese people can understand
the essence of Shinto without explanation.
(But I could not understand the idea of Shinto until I read the book ^ ^ ;)
But actually, after the tragedy of Fukushima(2011 3.11), a lot of people
would notice that we can't control the nature, and have to awe and respect the nature.
A lot of Japanese people may have the idea, it is important to worship nature
in deep mind unconsciously.
I wrote, "People could become God under Shinto"
In Japanese, we say "Kami(神)" instead of God. That book says Kami is different
idea of God in Christian or other religion. In our daily life, we sometimes
say Kami toward a person who has prominent techniques. If the person was
stand aloof from the world, people may call him or her "Kami".
recently. You may have heard the word, Shinto. When I was traveling in Germany
two years ago, I was asked by German about Shinto. To tell the truth, I could not
answer well...^ ^; I did not know about what Shinto is!!
But, after I read the book, I found my lack of knowledge about Shinto
is related to the essence of Shinto.
The concept of this blog is to introduce Japanese culture that is now written on guide
book. When I write some columns, I always try to keep the concept. Today, my explanation
may be like guide book. ^ ^ ; But the explanation of the book was so nice.
I show the points and then I give some comments.
- Shinto is original religion of Japan. There was Shinto before Buddhism came from Korea
- There is no the founder ← This is interesting!
- Shinto doesn't try to propagate its idea ← This is interesting!
- A nature worship is important
- polytheism But God is not omniscient and omnipotent
- There is no doctrine or dogma. ← This is interesting!
- Shinto doesn't demand you to do idol worship
- Shinto is generous toward other religion
- Shinto refrain from expressing its ideology ← This is interesting!
- Shinto believes in the after death
- People could become God under Shinto
- Human being is a part of nature. People is required to get harmony with nature
Human being can not control the nature
It is like university class...^ ^ ; Sorry. Let's forget the formalities.
As you see above, Shinto doesn't have any doctrines or dogmas.
Japanese people don't go to shrine every Sunday like Christian goes to church.
I have never heard of preach of Shinto. I don't know what the Shinto's
value or idea clearly. I learned that is is because Shinto itself refrain from
expressing its ideology to Japanese people.
But on that book, Shinto focus on integrity, sincerity,and purity.
(There is an idea water purify the people. So if you go to shrine, you see
small river around the shrine. And you see on the photos)
As I showed above, Shinto is generous toward other religion. So, if you have
chance to visit Japan, you should pray at the shrine. You can pray for your
health or success on your business.
Why isn't there doctrine?
The book explains, in Japan, the race is same so Japanese people can understand
the essence of Shinto without explanation.
(But I could not understand the idea of Shinto until I read the book ^ ^ ;)
But actually, after the tragedy of Fukushima(2011 3.11), a lot of people
would notice that we can't control the nature, and have to awe and respect the nature.
A lot of Japanese people may have the idea, it is important to worship nature
in deep mind unconsciously.
I wrote, "People could become God under Shinto"
In Japanese, we say "Kami(神)" instead of God. That book says Kami is different
idea of God in Christian or other religion. In our daily life, we sometimes
say Kami toward a person who has prominent techniques. If the person was
stand aloof from the world, people may call him or her "Kami".
My work(children's story) ~2'~ 一匹の白いねこ
For Japanese learners, I attach the first draft of "A white cat".
It is written in Japanese. There are some Kanji, which seems to be difficult to read.
So, I corrected. The dialogue is old stylish. So, it may sound different for you.
If you can't guess the meaning, please ask me. I did not plan to this draft written in Japanese.
So I am afraid there are many parts that Japanese learners feel hard to understand.
If I really show this story to children, I would need to write "kana"next to Chinese character(Kanji)
to show the pronunciation.
It is written in Japanese. There are some Kanji, which seems to be difficult to read.
So, I corrected. The dialogue is old stylish. So, it may sound different for you.
If you can't guess the meaning, please ask me. I did not plan to this draft written in Japanese.
So I am afraid there are many parts that Japanese learners feel hard to understand.
If I really show this story to children, I would need to write "kana"next to Chinese character(Kanji)
to show the pronunciation.
あるお寺にたいそう、みすぼらしい和尚(Osyou= the monk)がいたそうな。そのお寺は夏の終わりにやって
きた台風(Taifuu= typhoon)のせいで屋根(Yane= roof)がこわれ、入口の戸はとばされてしまっていた。お寺がすっかり壊れて(kowarete= broke)しまったものだから、お寺に来る人もへって、葬式(sousiki = funeral)になっても誰も和尚のところに来なくなってしまった。
「あーれま(Oh, deer...)。おらのところに誰も来なくなってしまった。これでは、おふせ(ofuse = offering)はもらえないしこの先どうやって暮らしていったらいいかわからねえ。こまったものだ。」
このお寺は山のてっぺんにあったが、和尚はお寺の境内(keidai =the precincts )から見える遠くの村を眺めては、そうやって悲しむことが多くなった。しかし、それでも和尚は毎日朝早く起きては、庭を掃除したり、お経(okyou=sutra)を読んだりして暮らしていた。
和尚はさびしかったものだから、つい話しかけたが、その白い猫は人間のように話すものだから、たいそう驚いた(odoroita = got surprised)。
ねこは、とつぜん(totsuzen=Suddenly)ぴょんと飛び跳ね空中で一回転するとまた着地した。すると、不思議なことに和尚のお腹あたりが温かくなった。和尚が何かと思ってお腹の辺りに手をのばすと、そこに温かいおにぎり(onigiri= http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB:Onigiri.jpg)があった。
ねこはせすじ(sesuji=back or spine)をぴんと伸ばして言った。
「そうか。そりゃ、しかたないというものだ。わしもだいぶ年とった。不思議な(fushigina = mysterious)力を持っているあんたの言うことだから、きっと正しいに違いない。しかし、わしにはお菊(okiku = the name of woman)という娘がいる。たいそう昔に村に嫁いだのだが、今はどこに住んでいるのかもわからぬ。一目みてからあの世に行きたいのう。」
「実は、おらには娘ねこがおって、しばらく前に村の井戸(ido = well)に落ちて死んでしまった。その娘ねこのためにひとつお経を読んでくれないか。」
「そうか、そりゃ気の毒だった(I am sorry)。わたしがその井戸のところへ行ってお経を読もう。」
和尚がふりかえると(furikaeruto = turn around)、そこにたいそう身なりのよい人が立っていた。
その身なりの良い男は、多くの小判(koban = coin)を和尚に渡し、自分はその金の塊を手に取ってさっさとどこかへ行ってしまった。
和尚は、どうしたらよいものかと困っていると、道に並んだ家の中に呉服屋(gofukuya = a shop dealing in fabrics for kimono)をみつけた。
「ほれ、子ども。これを着ることじゃ。これを着れば一晩はしのげる(shinogeru = live up )じゃろう。早いところ家に帰ることじゃ。」
「和尚さん、ありがとう。おらは金を持っていないが、これをあげる。村の川にかかっている月夜橋(tsukiyobashi = the name of bridge)のところで拾った。」
子どもは、かんざしを和尚に渡すと服を着てどこかへ走っていってしまった。和尚はなんだかどこかで見たようななつかしい色をしたかんざしをしばらく眺めた。そして、あの子どもはこごえないですむだろうと思って、安心して寺の方へと歩き出した。あたりは真っ暗で白い満月(mangetsu = full moon)の夜だった。村のはずれにある月夜橋にさしかかったところだった。なんだか、ざわざわとくさむらが動いていて、和尚は気味(kimi = feeling)が悪くなった。
そのざわざわ動くところから、かんだかい声(kandakaikoe = high-pitched voice)が聞こえてきた。
それからというもの、和尚と娘はときどき便り(tayori= letter)をかわし(kawashi = exchange)、幸せにくらしたそうな。
Friday, February 22, 2013
Japanese habit/custom ~31~ Goro awase
23rd, February is the day of Mt. Fuji.
On this column, I explain why it is the day of Mt. Fuji.
I need explanation.
In Japanese, the date is written "2.23". In Japanese, people write
the month at first. You write the date next.
And, in Japanese, we have the special way to read number, called Goroawase.
In Japanese, we pronounce the number like below.
1 ichi
2 ni
3 san
4 shi
5 go
6 roku
7 nana or shichi
8 hachi
9 kyuu
10 jyuu
If you are Japanese learner, you would learn the pronunciation like above.
But there are the other pronunciation.
For example,
1 = i (it is shorten word of "ichi")
2 = fu (when you count the date, you say futsuka . it means 2 days. fu is first syllable of "futsuka")
3 = mi
4 = yo
7 = na
9 = ku
You usually don't pronounce like above when you count number.
This pronunciation is confusing, so I guess Japanese teachers don't teachi
these pronunciation to beginners.
Why 2,23 is the day of Mt.Fuji ? We say Mt. Fuji "Fuji san" in Japanese.
2= fu 2= ji 3= san
(When you write 2 by Kanji, you write "二". And you can pronounce 二 "ji")
So, 2,23 is the day of Mt. Fuji.
We sometimes change the pronunciation when you read the number.
It is called "Goroawase". When you make Goroawase, people make a word so that
it makes sense. It is one of the way when you remember the number.
Well, when I was in school, I had to memorize the year, 794 at the Japanese history class.
Heian period began at the year. (Heian period is famous because Kyoto flourished so much
at that age)
There is very famous Goroawase. Almost all Japanese would know that.
We used to say Na(7) Ku(9) Yo(4) uguisu(a bush warbler) Heian kyou(the name of
palace of Heian period).
Nakuyo means, "sing". So student remember the year of 794 with the image of
a bush warbler singing.
We find many goroawase in our daily life. Company or shop offer us the phone number
by showing the goroawase.
On this column, I explain why it is the day of Mt. Fuji.
I need explanation.
In Japanese, the date is written "2.23". In Japanese, people write
the month at first. You write the date next.
And, in Japanese, we have the special way to read number, called Goroawase.
In Japanese, we pronounce the number like below.
1 ichi
2 ni
3 san
4 shi
5 go
6 roku
7 nana or shichi
8 hachi
9 kyuu
10 jyuu
If you are Japanese learner, you would learn the pronunciation like above.
But there are the other pronunciation.
For example,
1 = i (it is shorten word of "ichi")
2 = fu (when you count the date, you say futsuka . it means 2 days. fu is first syllable of "futsuka")
3 = mi
4 = yo
7 = na
9 = ku
You usually don't pronounce like above when you count number.
This pronunciation is confusing, so I guess Japanese teachers don't teachi
these pronunciation to beginners.
Why 2,23 is the day of Mt.Fuji ? We say Mt. Fuji "Fuji san" in Japanese.
2= fu 2= ji 3= san
(When you write 2 by Kanji, you write "二". And you can pronounce 二 "ji")
So, 2,23 is the day of Mt. Fuji.
We sometimes change the pronunciation when you read the number.
It is called "Goroawase". When you make Goroawase, people make a word so that
it makes sense. It is one of the way when you remember the number.
Well, when I was in school, I had to memorize the year, 794 at the Japanese history class.
Heian period began at the year. (Heian period is famous because Kyoto flourished so much
at that age)
There is very famous Goroawase. Almost all Japanese would know that.
We used to say Na(7) Ku(9) Yo(4) uguisu(a bush warbler) Heian kyou(the name of
palace of Heian period).
Nakuyo means, "sing". So student remember the year of 794 with the image of
a bush warbler singing.
We find many goroawase in our daily life. Company or shop offer us the phone number
by showing the goroawase.
Japanese habit/ custom ~30~ wind vs a belch
There is a discussion, which is more impolite, wind or a belch.
When I was kid, I have heard that western culture hate a belch
more than wind. But in Japan, wind is more impolite than a belch, maybe.
I don't know why.
Japanese people don't want to pass gas in public. Maybe, any culture
would be like that, hahaha.
Many of you would see Japanese people polite. But it is also true that
there are a lot of people who can't help laughing when they hear the story
about wind. Woman don't show in her face but she may laugh a lot in her mind.
If you want to make Japanese people laugh, I teach you useful expression.
He(wind) koita(break wind)?
So, say! He koita?
Repeat many times and remember. He koita? He koita? He koita?...
It means, Did you break wind now? And this expression is broken so much.
If you meet Japanese friend, please practice like this.
You: Konnichiwa~~^^
Japanese: Konnichiwa~~
You: Ii tenki desune~~ (It's nice day, isn't it?)
Japanese: Soudesune~~ (Yes, indeed.)
You: He koita?
Japanese: !!!
Please forgive this silly posting.
When I was kid, I have heard that western culture hate a belch
more than wind. But in Japan, wind is more impolite than a belch, maybe.
I don't know why.
Japanese people don't want to pass gas in public. Maybe, any culture
would be like that, hahaha.
Many of you would see Japanese people polite. But it is also true that
there are a lot of people who can't help laughing when they hear the story
about wind. Woman don't show in her face but she may laugh a lot in her mind.
If you want to make Japanese people laugh, I teach you useful expression.
He(wind) koita(break wind)?
So, say! He koita?
Repeat many times and remember. He koita? He koita? He koita?...
It means, Did you break wind now? And this expression is broken so much.
If you meet Japanese friend, please practice like this.
You: Konnichiwa~~^^
Japanese: Konnichiwa~~
You: Ii tenki desune~~ (It's nice day, isn't it?)
Japanese: Soudesune~~ (Yes, indeed.)
You: He koita?
Japanese: !!!
Please forgive this silly posting.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Japanese food ~27~ Sekihan
Sekihan is one of the variation of rice. It looks like 16 kokumai that I have showed
before on this blog. People eat this sekihan(we also say "osekihan") when you celebrate
someone. People eat this sekihan when someone get married or a baby was born
at a family. The rice of sekihan is special, which is called "mochi gome".
It is translated " glutinous rice". It is like sticky rice.
The brown colour stuff is an adzuki bean. You can put on sesami and salt for seasoning.
before on this blog. People eat this sekihan(we also say "osekihan") when you celebrate
someone. People eat this sekihan when someone get married or a baby was born
at a family. The rice of sekihan is special, which is called "mochi gome".
It is translated " glutinous rice". It is like sticky rice.
The brown colour stuff is an adzuki bean. You can put on sesami and salt for seasoning.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Japanese saying ~8~ け ke
I introduce a Japanese saying that begins from け(ke).
That is... けが(kega) の(no) こうみょう(koumyou)
Kega means, injured.
Koumyou means, lucky.
This saying means a lucky success resulting from a misfortune.
Actually, if you experienced unlucky thing, that experience may change to
good thing later.
When I hear this saying, I remind a saying.
にんげん(Ningen) ばんじ(banji) さいおう(saiou) が(ga) うま(uma)
This saying came from China. We call this kind of Chinese saying "Kojiseigo".
Ningen means all human being
Banji means everything
Saiou means old man who live in the place named "Sai".
Uma means horse.
This saying comes from a story.
There was a old man. He was a fortune-teller. He has a horse.
One day, his horse has got out of his house.
When people consoled the old man, he answered. "Something lucky must be coming
after this event "
One day, his horse came back to his house with a great horse.
When people celebrate the old man, he answered. "This great horse
must cause something bad."
One day, his son fell from the great horse and broke his leg.
When people consoled the old man, he answered. "This accident must cause something
One day, a war broke out and almost all young people died.
But his son did not need to join the war because his son broke his leg.
So his son lived up in spite of the war.
This saying tells us lucky things may turn to unlucky thing and unlucky thing
may turn to lucky thing in the future.
I like this story. And I like this saying.
I guess there are a lot of Japanese people who know this saying.
(We usually learn this saying in junior high school or high school.)
If you face very bad situation, how about remind this saying?
Is there something like this saying in your culture?
Today, I read a book which is about language teaching of Japanese.
I may try to learn the way to teach Japanese. Actually there is a
volunteer activity that is for foreign people who live in Japan.
I like to introduce Japanese culture. If I could teach Japanese as well,
it must be better.
I just wondered.
That is... けが(kega) の(no) こうみょう(koumyou)
Kega means, injured.
Koumyou means, lucky.
This saying means a lucky success resulting from a misfortune.
Actually, if you experienced unlucky thing, that experience may change to
good thing later.
When I hear this saying, I remind a saying.
にんげん(Ningen) ばんじ(banji) さいおう(saiou) が(ga) うま(uma)
This saying came from China. We call this kind of Chinese saying "Kojiseigo".
Ningen means all human being
Banji means everything
Saiou means old man who live in the place named "Sai".
Uma means horse.
This saying comes from a story.
There was a old man. He was a fortune-teller. He has a horse.
One day, his horse has got out of his house.
When people consoled the old man, he answered. "Something lucky must be coming
after this event "
One day, his horse came back to his house with a great horse.
When people celebrate the old man, he answered. "This great horse
must cause something bad."
One day, his son fell from the great horse and broke his leg.
When people consoled the old man, he answered. "This accident must cause something
One day, a war broke out and almost all young people died.
But his son did not need to join the war because his son broke his leg.
So his son lived up in spite of the war.
This saying tells us lucky things may turn to unlucky thing and unlucky thing
may turn to lucky thing in the future.
I like this story. And I like this saying.
I guess there are a lot of Japanese people who know this saying.
(We usually learn this saying in junior high school or high school.)
If you face very bad situation, how about remind this saying?
Is there something like this saying in your culture?
Today, I read a book which is about language teaching of Japanese.
I may try to learn the way to teach Japanese. Actually there is a
volunteer activity that is for foreign people who live in Japan.
I like to introduce Japanese culture. If I could teach Japanese as well,
it must be better.
I just wondered.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Japanese expression ~ 9 ~ 道(michi or dou)
I bought this book yesterday.
武士の道 means, The road of Samurai.
Usually, you pronounce 武士 "Bushi". But you pronounce the title of this book
"mononou". I think people used to call 武士 "mononou" many years ago.
This book has the kana(Japanese phonetic syllabary characters) next to Chinese
characters to show the pronunciation.
The title of this book is pronounced, Mononou no michi.
Anyway, the theme of this book is to tell what the philosophy of samurai is.
道 means "the road". In Japanese, you sometimes see this Chinese character,
"道" when you start lessons. For example, there are various lessons such as
華道(Kadou)、茶道(Sadou)、柔道(Judo)、剣道(Kendo)... All lessons have the Chinese character 道 at the end of the word. (Each lesson means, the road of flower arrangement, the road of
tea ceremony, Judo, Kendo...)
道 is prononced "michi" or "Do(u)".
As you see above, Japanese people may think learning something is to go on the road.
In my image, when you walk on the road, you would not be able to see the goal.
And the road must be steep. Japanese people who are engaged in such lessons for
a long time, must have the idea like that.
By the way, when I started to read this book, I found this book is so difficult...^^;
I don't know if I can read all. I bought this book to introduce what the philosophy of
Samurai is on this blog. Foreign people know the word "samurai". And they would know
the image of samurai. (Some people may believe samurai are still alive in Japan
in this modern times...^^; Actually, you can see samurai at amusement park only.)
I forgot to attach this photo yesterday. I took this photo at Mashiko.
This house is so old stylish Japanese house. The roof is called "Kayabukiyane"
We don't see this type of house nowadays. It is rare case.
Some day, when I find this type of house, I want to take the photos.
武士の道 means, The road of Samurai.
Usually, you pronounce 武士 "Bushi". But you pronounce the title of this book
"mononou". I think people used to call 武士 "mononou" many years ago.
This book has the kana(Japanese phonetic syllabary characters) next to Chinese
characters to show the pronunciation.
The title of this book is pronounced, Mononou no michi.
Anyway, the theme of this book is to tell what the philosophy of samurai is.
道 means "the road". In Japanese, you sometimes see this Chinese character,
"道" when you start lessons. For example, there are various lessons such as
華道(Kadou)、茶道(Sadou)、柔道(Judo)、剣道(Kendo)... All lessons have the Chinese character 道 at the end of the word. (Each lesson means, the road of flower arrangement, the road of
tea ceremony, Judo, Kendo...)
道 is prononced "michi" or "Do(u)".
As you see above, Japanese people may think learning something is to go on the road.
In my image, when you walk on the road, you would not be able to see the goal.
And the road must be steep. Japanese people who are engaged in such lessons for
a long time, must have the idea like that.
By the way, when I started to read this book, I found this book is so difficult...^^;
I don't know if I can read all. I bought this book to introduce what the philosophy of
Samurai is on this blog. Foreign people know the word "samurai". And they would know
the image of samurai. (Some people may believe samurai are still alive in Japan
in this modern times...^^; Actually, you can see samurai at amusement park only.)
I forgot to attach this photo yesterday. I took this photo at Mashiko.
This house is so old stylish Japanese house. The roof is called "Kayabukiyane"
We don't see this type of house nowadays. It is rare case.
Some day, when I find this type of house, I want to take the photos.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Japanese traditional culture ~18~ Mashiko yaki
A few days ago, I went to Kamamoto in Mashiko.
Mashiko is a name of the city, which is located in the north of Tochigi prefecture.
Tochigi prefecture is the north of Tokyo. It is about 2 hours by train from Tokyo.
Kamamoto is "a pottery".
The history of Mashiko yaki goes back to edo period. It is about 150 years ago.
The misters of this Mashiko yaki use fur of dog to paint it.They glaze stone powder.
I bought this coffee cup for my souvenir. The shape is not well-proportioned.
But, it looks hand made cup.
I wanted to experience pottery. But they said, I need a booking to experience that.
These are Shichi fuku jin. (Seven God)
The stories of Shichi fuku jin came from China. It is said that they
give us many kinds of happiness. I sometimes see these figures
in daily life.
Mashiko is a name of the city, which is located in the north of Tochigi prefecture.
Tochigi prefecture is the north of Tokyo. It is about 2 hours by train from Tokyo.
Kamamoto is "a pottery".
The history of Mashiko yaki goes back to edo period. It is about 150 years ago.
The misters of this Mashiko yaki use fur of dog to paint it.They glaze stone powder.
I bought this coffee cup for my souvenir. The shape is not well-proportioned.
But, it looks hand made cup.
I wanted to experience pottery. But they said, I need a booking to experience that.
These are Shichi fuku jin. (Seven God)
The stories of Shichi fuku jin came from China. It is said that they
give us many kinds of happiness. I sometimes see these figures
in daily life.