Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Japanese lifestyle ~32~ Japanese elementary school

  I had a chance to talk with a principal of elementary school.
When I was get in the Principal's room, a principal was putting many
envelopes in order.
  He said, he had to ask teachers about their way of teaching.
As I introduced on this blog, taibatsu(corporal punishment)
is hot topic now in Japan.
I guess a board of education ordered elementary school to
investigate taibatsu.
  Now, some of Japanese parents are so nervous of taibatsu.

  I heard that there are many parents who come to school in order
to raise an objection to class management. Nowadays, if it is
escalated too much, we call the parents " Monster parents".
I heard from the principal that parents are nervous of taibatsu
and "ijime(the problem of bullying in the class)". So parents
come to school to complain about trivial matter.
 I heard a story from the principal.
 The principal asked the problem child's parent to come to
school. And the principal explained why the student was bad.
But the parent got angry and went back to home.
  Wow, it is called 逆ギレ(gyaku gire).
  逆ギレ means, you get angry in the situation when you
have to say sorry about something...^ ^ ;
逆 means, opposite and ギレ means "get angry"
It is not formal word. It is like a slang.

 Nowadays, Japanese people are concerned with education
so much. And Japanese people have a lot of problems
on our education.


  1. Difficult subject.
    In such situations people can only react; then if the issue disappears, the reaction is deemed "overreaction". But if the issue escalates and God forbid somebody gets seriousely hurt - then we say that people had all the right and reason to complain.

    So, same situation, same reaction, but different judgement on it, depending on how it all turns up - depending on dumb luck?

    The effect of corporal punishment and bullying can be imediate, but it can also be long lasting effect and the results (normally negative) can manifest themselfs years later. So, it is hard to say if somebody is overreacting or had all the right to complain, isn't it?

    Sorry, this probably makes no sense to you - kind of hard to explain what I mean o_O

  2. To Shantal ForSD

    Maybe Japanese people tend to be
    affected easily by the information of media.
    Parents become so sensitive when the
    media broadcasts on school accident.
