Monday, February 11, 2013

Japanese kikubari ~4~ Nihon syu

  Today is national holiday. Today is National Foundation Day.
This is the day our emperor, named Jinmu Tennou, was enthroned at ancient age.
 Some events happen at a shrine like below.
I don't know any these kind of events in my neighborhood.

 Well, I went to a Japanese stylish bar called "Izakaya" yesterday.
I drank nihon-syu(Japanese alcohol). When I was drinking, I talked about this blog to my friends.
They suggested how about I introduce the "Japanese kikubari" when you drink nihon syu.

 I have written about Japanese Kikubari before. Some of you may know what it is.
Japanese kikubari means like , "taking care of someone". This is my translation so
there might be better translation. Anyway, as you see above, the grass of nihon syu
is put in the  square case. I learned the reason from my friends.
 People put the nihon syu like that so that you can drink full grass of nihonsyu.
Because there is a square case, you can pour the nihon syu fully.
This is Kikubari for the person who drink the nihon syu.
You can drink the nihonsyu that was spilled out to the square case.
 This kikubari is great!!


  1. okini for your "kikubari" explanation. i have felt the kindness of the people of Japan for almost 30 years of visiting Japan but did not know that word, "kikubari".
    for me, "kikubari" is a natural characteristic of the Japanese people to omoimasu. 20 years ago, i rode my bicycle from Ibaraki-ken to Hokkaido...i could write a book about the kindness i received every day on that long but interesting trip. 10 years ago, i rode my bicycle from Saitama to Osaka...more daily "kikubari".

    i like the square wooden box idea : )

    if you want to write me directly with questions or comments about my blog or about "my Japan"...

  2. Oh, do you think "the square wooden box" is appropriate word?
    I did not know how to choose the word.
    I heard that this kikubari is cultural behavior.
    You traveled so long way by bicycle! It is amazing!
