Sunday, March 3, 2013

Japanese food ~30~ Tamago kake gohan (卵かけごはん)

  If you don't know about what Tamago kake gohan is, you may be so shocked
to read this posting.

  Do you know we have custom of eating a raw egg?
1 You put a raw egg on a rice.
2 You put a soy sauce on the rice
3 Mix it.

You may be shocked now. Maybe, you said OH MY GOD!! now.
Tamago = egg
kake = put on
gohan = rice
But I guess many Japanese people like Tamago kake gohan.
And there is a specialized soy sauce for people who love Tamago kake gohan.
I haven't tried it yet.
If you don't have the side dishes, this is one of the ways to eat rice.
But about me, I don't do this way. I haven't eat Tamago kake gohan for
more than ten years, maybe.


  1. Well, you are right :)
    The moment I saw the raw egg on the picture I was going "Oh my God" and one word kept spinning in my mind: salmonella, salmonella, salmonella :)

    It takes temperature of at least 75C to kill that bacteria and I seriousely doubt that the rise is hot enough...

    But again: we are just so different and it is an eye opener to read about all those little things that you write about in your blog :)

    Thank you for sharing and have a good week ahead :)
    - Shantal

  2. To Shantal

    You know well. Are you a dietitian?
    In Japan,we usually don't care of the disease. I guess it's because most of egg is OK.

  3. Oh, no, I am not a dietitian - I am a computer programmer :)
    My driving force though is curiosity and I have huge amounts of that ;)

  4. To Shantal ForSD

    I guess you have a lot of knowledge about many things.
