Friday, March 15, 2013

Japanese lifestyle ~40~ portable chopsticks

  It has been almost six months since I started this blog.
How are you doing???
  Today, I watched some videos on You tube.
I saw some foreign people singing Japanese songs.
When I was a child, I have never imagined this scene.
I used to think it is very difficult for foreign people to learn Japanese
because even Japanese people think Japanese is difficult...
  And I sometimes see foreign people who know about Japan
much more than Japanese people. They speak Japanese better
than Japanese people...^ ^ ;
They have sincere hearts to Japanese cultures. I really respect for them.
  So, if you are Japanese learner, please encourage yourself.
You can become a good Japanese speaker! long as you study.
  And I am thinking  I start to learn Japanese teaching skill
because I want to help people who want to learn Japanese.
 Today, I introduce nice chopsticks. That's portable chopsticks.

You can take the center apart like this.

  This chopstick is useful. And design is good.
Here is the site I watched today.
The arts are beyond nation and language.


  1. I find Japanese to be the hardest language that I have ever studied - still it is worth it, so nothing else to do but just keep on it.

    A little paradox to me: On one hand, Japan is actively using 3 alphabets - which makes regular reading harder for foreigners. On the other hand, I find 点字 to be much easier then our eastern braille....

    Anyway, I am grateful that your blog exists - please, keep it up :)

  2. To Shantal ForSD

    What are 3 alphabets? You mean, Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji?

    I have learned one phrase in Danish before. That means, "The cow coming!"
    I had a chance to talk to Danish.
    I tried to speak"The cow coming!"
    But I could not make my understand my
    Danish. Pronunciation was too difficult
    for me...
    Paspo co -- en???

    I think it is almost impossible to
    speak language perfectly. So,I just
    enjoy knowing new things when I learn
    a new language. Don't you think so?

  3. haha :)
    "Pas på koen!" - "watch out for the cow!" :)

    Danish is hard language in the sense that some sounds are made at the back of the troath and people that have not done that since small children have difficulties pronouncing it. But I agree - we always carry out accent with us, we'll never sound like a native speaker. But do we have to?

    To me languages have never been a profession - only a means to be understood, to understand and to learn.

  4. To Shantal ForSD

    I riminded the day when I learned "Pas på koen!" Thanks.
