Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Short trip in Gunma ~6~ shopping district in Maebashi 前橋の商店街(まえばしのしょうてんがい)

  Today, I introduce a shopping district of Maebashi.
Maebashi is the prefectural captal in my hometown.
  Unfortunately, a lot of cities in the district area have
problems. The liveliness has been down for a long time.

This is a small river that goes through the shopping district.

We go to this arcade street.

This is cyouchin. I posted about this on this blog.
When I posted this article, I could not find a good picture.

Here is the main street of shopping district. As you see above, there is no people... ^^;

But there was a temple like this. The statures made by stone are called "Ojizousama".
It is said that ojizousama helps our life. Japanese people have friendliness to these
statures.(I should have got closer to and taken a picture.)

This shop is selling Japanese traditional goods.

 ふくしまや is the place where people sell goods of Fukushima (the earthquake happened in Fukushima) to support them.
No people....(ToT)
A public toilet(for free)

This is nice restaurant. なかなか素敵(すてき)なレストラン

  This building will become art space in October. People in Maebashi try to
become this city active.

  As you see, our Maebashi city is not like Tokyo.
When I go to Tokyo, I feel uneasy because there are too many people.
( ̄□ ̄;)!!

Thanks for reading!
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  1. Wow... This really looks like a ghost town.. a little bit.. ^^;;
    Can shops keep themselves when no one is there? I guess in Germany they would have to close if it was like this.... Because it's too expensive ^^;
    I hope your city will be more active with the art space!

  2. Has Maebashi city always been this quiet or is it because of 東日本大震災?

  3. To Saku

    Young people are trying to make
    this area more active!
    But I guess it would be hard to
    manage the shop around there.
    One of the reasons is because
    a big shopping mall has been built
    near here. A lot of people go to
    the mall.

  4. To Markus

    The main reason is not because of
    東日本大震災.As I wrote above, a big shopping mall has been built
    near here. A lot of people go there
    without coming here.
    Our hometown is about 300 km from
    the place from tohoku area. So there were not collapses here.
