Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The price in Japan ~6~ soft drink

I drank this tea today.
In Japan, this kind of soft drink put in parasitic bottle is common.
Do you find any differences in your country?
The sakura(cherry blossoms) season is coming soon. So, this
kind of drink is sold now. As you can see above, it is written
"EUROPEAN STYLE" But I don't know the meaning...^ ^ ;
Is peach taste tea European style? Is it common in Europe?
I think the picture on the label is nice.

The price was 137 yen.
1.12 Euro,  1.46 USD, 44.97 RUB  4.54 MYR


  1. Hmm... In Europe it depends on the country, probably.

    In Spain, for example, lots of people drink tea nowadays, but it's kind of recent custom, I guess. But what's for sure is we don't have bottled tea... And it's not sold in vending machines, of course!

    In fact, I was really surprised with japanese 自動販売機! Tea, coffee (in a can, wow!), lots of "strange" (strange for us, of course(笑)) sweet drinks (like Calpis, etc)... There we only have coke, Fanta, water and sometimes 7up or similar...

    And the special things, I love them! Special stuff for Christmas, Halloween, Sakura, etc, etc!! I think that's only in Japan...

  2. This is called tea, but it is a sweet-ish soft drink, right? We don't have many of those over here in Denmark - Nestea comes to mind, which is iced tea from Nestle. They are also about the only once that are sold in a plastic bottle. Denmark is a lot into fruit juices - many diferent types, normally sold in TetraPaks (TetraPak is a typical way to sell drinks here - also milk & yoghurt).

    I am wondering - the bottle from your picture - do you trow it away when you are done, do you recicle, or do you return it to the shop for a small re-fund?
    In Denmark all plastic bottles are returned to the shops in exchange for small amount of money. As a rule, Danes are pretty good in sorting the trash and re-using stuff. How is this situation in Japan?

  3. To Kyoto

    I think there are so many kinds
    of drinks in vending machines.
    So, I am sometimes ata loss because I can't decide which I should buy.

  4. Shantal ForSD

    This is tea. And it has the flavor of peach.

    We need to put into special
    trash box, which is usually set
    near the vending machine.
    We usually don't have the system
    of deposit. I have seen such system
    in Germany.

    Re-use is the best way for enviroment. But unfortunately,
    we still have not been aware of the manner.
