Thursday, July 11, 2013

Japanese traditional culture ~23~ Rokuyou 六曜(ろくよう)

At Japanese calender, we often see the Rokuyou(六曜).
It is said that this tradition came from China at the 14 century
Rokuyou is for knowing the luck of each days.
There are six kind of days.
Sensyou 先勝 it is good luck in the morning, but after two o'clock, it's bad luck.
Tomobiki 友引 events leads friends. So, people don't want to do funeral on this day.
Senbu 先負   bad luck in the morning, normal in the afternoon
Butsumetsu 仏滅 the worst day in the six days. some people don't want to do
good events such as the wedding on this day. Wedding company lowers the price
so much on this day.
Taian 大安 The best day in the six days. People want to do good events on this day.
Syakkou 赤口  normal from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

This tradition has still remained in Japan.
Today is Senbu(先負). Tomorrow is Butsumetsu.
The day of Rokuyou goes around according to the order above.


  1. Um.

    I actually hope that this is not true reflection of the luck: If I understand the system of calculating this, it means that each April the 1st is 仏滅, rendering it automatically the worst day to start things. But I have the impression that 1st of April is a very important day in Japan - new school years begins, companies merge, people start on new jobs... May be I misunderstand.

    In any case: please, be extra careful tomorrow.

  2. To Shantal ForSD

    Actually, April 1st was 仏滅 in this year. But, it depends on the year.

    I think we don't think April 1st
    is important day. I guess,
    we just think it is the day of
    April fool.
    As you know, school starts from
    April. But the day is around 6th
    or something like that.

    I guess only when people
    have special event like a wedding,
    we worry about the 六曜.
