Monday, September 30, 2013

Japanese traditional culture ~37~ invitation card

  The bride and groom have to make invitation cards for the guests.
These are the cards that we chose.
These look Japanese old stylish cards, ha?
  I had to write addressees with a writing brush.
I usually don't use such a brush, so it was kind of hard for me to do the work.

I heard some people don't prepare for these cards if you can tell the
beginning time easily. That's for saving money.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Sounds like hard work!
    It is a good memory to receive such card as invitation - in my culture, many people actually keep the invitations for weddings that they have received over the years.

    The cards that you have chosen look nice :)

  2. Shantal ForSD

    I finished the work and sent them
    last Wednesday.
    I was told to send them at the
    Taian day.(大安)You know?
    I posted on this blog.
