Sunday, April 13, 2014

Short trip in Gunma ~Kanra 2~

  I attach some photos I took in Kanra which is located south west of Gunma prefecture.
There was a water well. I don't know what the other countries's style like.
This is typical style of Japanese wa

After visiting area, I visited a temple, called Houshaku-ji temple.
This temple was famous for the Shidare Zakura. (Drooping cherry tree)

There is a legend on this big stone.
  It is said that  a very tall samurai (more than 2 meters) cut his stomach by himself on the
stone. As you may know, this is called "Seppuku (Harakiri)".

  My father was complaining about the entrance fee.
We needed to pay 200 yen (1.97 US dollars 1.42 Euro)just to see the Shidare Zakura. ^ ^;
My father said that he knew more greater cherry tree near my house.


  1. きれいですごい木ですね! 私は、200円が高くないそうです。 写真はありがとう。 - ドイツ人

  2. To ドイツの方

    Sahen Sie zu dem ersten Mal den weinenden Kirschenbaum?

    Es gibt viele Arten von Sakura in Japan.

  3. そうですね、この木を初めて見ました。 でも、何時か自分の目で見たいと思います。 勿論この旅行は200円以上ですね。 ^.^ - ドイツ人
