Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Japanese traditional culture ~shouji~

 Today (31st December )is called "Oomisoka" in Japanese.
  Not so many cars are seen on the load, today.
  Most of people are taking a rest. Shops are opened
even today though.
  I would like to introduce "shouji", a paper sliding door.
Shouji is seen in the interior of Japanese stylish house.
 Look! A part of shouji is torn. Shouji is often torn like that.
Especially, if you have children, they like to tear shouji.
They never feel bad to tear it.
  This year, my father decided to repaper the shouji.
 This work is bothering. It takes a lot of time.
He washed the frame in the bath.
  Then, he stretched a Japanese paper on a frame.
This work took almost one day.
  If you have children in your house, you should not do this work every
year. Because children often tear shouji every time you make new one.

  Yoi Otoshiwo!  よいお年を! (= Japanese greeting at the end of the year)

Thank you for reading my articles on this blog in this year.
I would like to keep writing as much as possible. Maybe I may
post once or twice a month... It's hard to find a good topic these days.^ ^ ;


  1. Oh, I am glad to be back to your blog!

    The finished door looks very stylish and beautiful!

    What is the door paper itself called in Japanese?

  2. We call this paper "Shouji gami".
    "Gami" means paper.
    Shouji is the sliding door.

    I think most of the Japanese
    stylish house has the room
    of tatami. And usually, the
    tatami room has Shouji.
