Monday, April 1, 2019

The era of "Reiwa" started.

In Japan, there was a huge event today. There may be some people who know in the news. The era of Heisei, which has been used so far, has changed. In Japan, there are two ways of expressing the date, the Christian era and the era symbol. The era changes every time the Emperor changes. The history of the era is old, and more than a thousand years ago, Japanese have used the era. In the history classes of Japan, we learn various eras in the text book.
The present emperor is retired, and the son is to be crowned May 1 of this year. Today, the name of the new era era was announced today. The new era is said to be "Reiwa." "Rei" seems to have the meaning of "fine". "Wa" has a meaning of harmony. We often use the era in our daily life. So far, it has been said that Chinese historical books have often been used to refer to the first issue, but this time it was created by combining the kanji characters that appeared in the oldest songbook called "Manyoshu" in Japan.
The emperor of the Heisei era has dedicated to peace activities, and I thought that it was a good emperor.

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