Monday, December 17, 2012

Japanese food ~21~ Bento

  I write about Japanese food today as well.
I have heard that there is the word Bento on french dictionary.
Bento means a packed lunch. I watched on the TV and that says
it is getting popular to make bento in France nowadays.
  Bento is like this.
  You can eat rice and other side dishes by one plate.
This bento has various kinds of side dishes such as fish, shrimp, konnyaku,
spaghetti, soy beans, a lotus root, deep-fried chicken, and so on...
   This bento is convenient for lunch. You can carry this bento and eat anywhere
you want. You can buy the bento at station, supermarket, Shinkansen, and so on.
And also, there is bento shop in Japan. Do you know "convenience store"?
There are many convenience store in Japan. That is like small supermarket.
(I will write about it on this blog in the future.) You can buy bento at convenience store.

 Thanks for reading!

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  1. Yes, it's getting more and more famous here. I just looked for Bento in the dictionnary, it's written in Larousse since 2011 and in Petit Robert since 2012 (two most famous and used french dictionnaries, i guess).
    But "bento" is not in the Dictionnaire de l'Academie (official).
    Anyway, i think that all the young people here know what is it, but not the old people...
    I like the convenient side of bentô.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, I see.
    But I guess there is not
    bento shop in France.
    Someone may start such
    business in the future.
    Thank you for leaving your comment.
    I did not know about Larousse and Petit Robert.

  4. I think that a bentô shop opened in Paris :) But I never bought anything in there ^^
