Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Japanese expression ~6~ Shiwasu

  In Japan, there is traditional name in each month.
We usually say each month like...
Ichi gatsu 1月 January
ni    gatsu 2月 February
san  gatsu 3月 March
shi  gatsh... 4月 April...
But in this season, we sometimes hear the word Shiwasu.
"Shiwasu" is the traditional name of December.
The Chinese charactor is 師走.
師 means, a Buddhist monk.
走 means, run.
So, if I translate this Shiwasu, I would say "a Buddhist monk is running".
It is hard to  imagine a Buddhist monk is running. ^^;
It is said that people name 12 gatsu "Shiwasu" because everyone is busy in this season.

  The day before yesterday, there was an election.
The voting percentage was very low. (59.32%)  This number is the most lowest
after the World War 2.
  It is said that people were so busy so the percentage was so low.
In Japan, there is election that is for those who can't go to election at the
official day for some reasons. But the percentage was so low.
 Thanks for reading!

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  1. Interesting thoughts on why the election participation is so low. I read somewhere that the low interest in politics in Japan is a result of the "shigataganai" mentality of the Japanese people. Could it be true?

    Thanks for interesting blog! I enjoy reading all the little details :)
    - Shantal

  2. Oh, you know very well.
    That's true.
    A lot of people say
    Because people think any parties and poritician
    can't change the Japanese
    society and economy.
