Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Japanese lifestyle ~18~ busyuugi

  I introduce what the busyuugi is. When someone is dead, one person becomes
the chief mourner. Usually, the person's wife or husband would be the chief mourner.
Traditionally, the assembled mourners give money to the chief mourner.
Usually, the mourners give money at the funeral. People put the money in this
paper bag, called "busyuugi bukuro(=paper bag)". People call this money "busyuugi".
  Usually the colour of busyuugi bukuro is white and black. Traditionally, white and
black is the colour of unhappiness. (The right paper back is syuugi bukuro.
That is for good thing. We give money, for example, baby is born at family. The
colour is white and red.) Can you see the kanji above picture? It is written
 霊 means, soul or spiritual
前   means "in front of"
We use the word 御, when we say something politely.
 We put the bill in busyuugi bukuro. We don't put the coin in it.
There is a taboo when you put in the bill. You should not put in the bill that is "new
bill". (I don't know the translation. ^ ^ ; "The bill that is not used at all")
Because people would think he or she had been waiting and preparing
for the day when someone is dead.
(When you give the syuugi, people use the new bill (=not used bill).)
 The price depends on the relationship of the person.
 I introduce the price that is written on Internet.
parents 100000 yen
brother or sister 30000~50000 yen
grand father or grand mother 10000~50000 yen
relatives 10000~30000 yen
friends 5000~20000 yen
co-worker 3000~ 20000 yen
neighbor 3000 ~ 5000 yen
In Japan, young people have difficulties to know this kind of knowledge
because of the trend toward the nuclear family. If he or she lives with his or her
grand father or mother, older people would tell about this kind of tradition.

Thanks for reading!

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  1. I will tell about the Orthodox tradition in Russia (in Russia several religions - Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism...).
    Russia has a similar tradition, too. We have strict rules in this. Every person who comes to the funeral, can give as much money - how much he can afford. Typically, the money is given to relatives of the deceased in their hands or put money near feet dead person in a coffin. Relatives take money later.
    According to the Orthodox funeral was held on the third day after his death. After the end of the burial funeral procession goes to the dining room. All treated to a meal. This is called the mention of the soul of the deceased person, parting with his soul. If anyone wants to - drinking vodka. It is important - not to clink glasses, if you drink a soothing soul of the dead! The same funeral (usually comes fewer people) are held on the 9th and 40th day after death. It is believed that a 40 day soul finally flies to heaven.

  2. When people give money to the other person at ceremony, it is common to put money in an envelope or something so people can't see it.
    I guess, it is because people think money is dirty thing.
