Sunday, August 4, 2013

Japanese saying ~ 19 ~to と

とらぬ たぬきの かわざんよう
とらぬ without catching
たぬき a raccoon dog
かわ hide
ざんよう count
 This saying means "you shouldn't count a raccoon dog's hide
before you catch it."
Hundred years ago, hunters used to make their living by catching
raccoon dogs and sell the hide. This saying tells us not to count
without firm ground.

 English saying seems to be like below.
Count one's chickens before they are hatched.
The animal is chickens not raccoon dogs.

 Today is my only holiday in a week....
 It's so precious time...
I'll spend the time for writing my work and practicing the piano(a little bit).
I'll go for a walk at first.(I'm short of exercise these days.)

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