Saturday, December 22, 2012

Japanese habit/custom ~14~ Touji, yuzuyu

Yesterday was Touji(冬至).
Touji is the day when the night hour is the shortest in the year.
(Do you understand my English? ^ ^ ; )
In Japan,we have a tradition. When we take a bath, we get in
the "Yuzuyu"
Yuzu means,"an aromatic citron".
Yu means, hot water.
So, yuzuyu is a hot bath scented with yuzu.
Here is the photo.

 It is said that people get in this yuzuyu from the age of Edo period(1603~1868).
If you get in this yuzuyu, your body gets warmer and you won't catch a cold.
I heard that yuzuyu is good for lower back pain. If your body become cold
easily, yuzuyu is good for you.
  And you can enjoy the smell of yuzu while you are taking a bath.

Thanks for reading!

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