Sunday, December 23, 2012

Japanese habit/custom ~15~ Nengajou

  Now it is the season when we write Nengajou to our friends.
We send a postcard to give a first greeting for our friends.
It is called "Nengajou".
  Nengajou is usually written vertically. Nengajou costs 50 yen. (0.45 Euro)
We usually write "Akemashite Omedetou gozaimasu".
It is traditional greeting at the beginning of the year. We give a greeting
saying that.
Nengajou is useful because it is good chance to give a greeting for
your friends. And if you don't have a contact with him or her for a long time,
it is good chance to say hello.
  Each nengajou has the number of lottery. Nengajou is also a lottery ticket.
(Can you see the number on the picture above?) This is enjoyable.
  Nowadays, many people send a message to friends through SNS such as
facebook and so on instead of nengajou.
  But I will write this nengajou  because I think handwriting is better than
greeting by computer. Our life became convenient. But I also focus on
a good communication with person. Handwriting may take a time, but
I will write this nengajou.
  When you write nengajou, you can use printed message.
Some people write a short message by hand.

Thanks for reading!

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