Friday, February 22, 2013

Japanese habit/ custom ~30~ wind vs a belch

  There is a discussion, which is more impolite, wind or a belch.
When I was kid, I have heard that western culture hate a belch
more than wind. But in Japan, wind is more impolite than a belch, maybe.
  I don't know why.
  Japanese people don't want to pass gas in public. Maybe, any culture
would be like that, hahaha.
  Many of you would see Japanese people polite. But it is also true that
there are a lot of people who can't help laughing when they hear the story
about wind. Woman don't show in her face but she may laugh a lot in her mind.
  If you want to make Japanese people laugh, I teach you useful expression.

 He(wind) koita(break wind)?

 So, say! He koita?
Repeat many times and remember. He koita? He koita? He koita?...

 It means, Did you break wind now? And this expression is broken so much.

 If you meet Japanese friend, please practice like this.

You:         Konnichiwa~~^^
Japanese:  Konnichiwa~~
You:  Ii tenki desune~~ (It's nice day, isn't it?)
Japanese:  Soudesune~~ (Yes, indeed.)
You: He koita?
Japanese: !!!

Please forgive this silly posting.


Saku said...

*haha* This is great... xD I'll try this ;D
In Germany we don't like both, wind or belch.. haha
But I heard in Japan belch after eating is polite.. or something.. since it shows you're satisfied..
Is this true? ^^;

marimari said...

No, it's not true, who taught you that? hahaha.
I think belch is not polite in Japan too.

Unknown said...

Both are considered embarassing - to do and to be present when somebody does it. So, people avoid it - here in Denmark and in Bulgaria.

What strikes me as a big difference is the reaction to somebody having a runny nose. Here it is much better to blow your nose and be done with it, instead of making constant sniffling sounds. I understand it is not considered polite to blow your nose in public in Japan?
We are different in so many ways, aren't we?

marimari said...

To Shantal ForSD

We don't do the gesture in Japan.
Japanese people are silent.^^;
Hahaha,it's cultural difference.
If you blow your nose in public here,I think you look aggressive.
Even if we feel unconfortable,
Japanese people would not often show our feeling apparently in public.

Saku said...

I really don't know where this rumor comes from... haha... xD I heard it a few times already ^^;;
But good to know it's not like this! haha

marimari said...

To Saku

I have not heard about that in Japan...^^;