Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Japanese habit/custom ~9~ table manner

I introduce table manner when you eat Japanese food.
I know only basic manner so I can't write in detail here.(I will attach the photo
in few days.)

1 When you eat rice, you need to hold the rice bowl.
  This is basic manner. I heard that this manner is unusual.

2 Do not sit with your elbows on the desk.
I guess this manner is common in the other culture.

3 It is not always bad to make sound when you eat.
 When you eat udon, it's better to make sound.
 People usually don't care to make sound when you eat ramen.
But about pasta, you should not make sound. Japanese people
should follow the western manner.

4 When you eat miso soup, you can touch the bowl with mouth.
   This manner is OK in Japanese culture.
   But I think you should not make a sound when you drink miso soup.

5 Tezara
   Te = hand
   zara = plate
  I often see people do "tezara". People make plate by hand so he or she can
catch if he drops the food.
 But I see a lot of article that say this is bad manner in the Internet.
If it is true, a lot of Japanese people don't know this is bad manner.



Saku said...

Wow... I should really think about my behaviour when I can ever get to Japan! *haha*
1.) I do this, too, most of the time
2.) I ALWAYS do this... hahaha
3.) In Germany you shouldn't really make many sounds... ^^;
4.) You also should not touch the bowl with your mouth, you would use a spoon
5.) I do this sometimes, too :D

marimari said...

1)Do you see people hold the bowl at Japanese restaurant?
2)Oh it's interesting.^^;
3)You can make sound when you eat udon.
4)In Japan, it is acceptable only when you drink the soup in the bowl. We don't do that when you drink the soup on the plate.
5)Everybody would do that...^^;

Saku said...

*haha* :D
When I am in a Japanese restaurant, I see Japanese people holding the rice bowl. Most Germans don't do it. (^-^;
When we have soup in a bowl, we also use a spoon! It's really uncomfortable, since it's difficult with a spoon..(>_<) haha