Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Japanese lifestyle ~34~ appearance

I want to ask you something.
Can you tell Chinese from Japanese?
When I was in Germany, I was asked if I was Chinese

An old man:  Woher Kommen Sie? China?
Me              :  Ich Komme auf (←mistake ^ ^ ;) Japan...
An old man : Oh, aus Japan, aus Japan....(He went to somewhere)

Maybe I look like Chinese people.
When I was in France, Chinese old woman talked to me in Chinese.
But when I was in Thailand many years ago, Thai people talked to me in Thai. ^ ^ ;

Do you think people image Chinese if they are asked to imagine Asian people?
I can mostly tell Chinese from Japanese. And I can tell Korean from Japanese
from appearance.
But I can't tell European people at all.
I can imagine the appearance of the English and German people just a little bit.
But I don't have enough confident to tell them.

Can you tell Japanese people from the other Asian people?


Unknown said...

Hm, I usually guess right (in the cases when I have had the oportunity to ask) - Japanese people are (to me) actually rather easy to distinguish from the rest of the Asians. The same goes for Koreans - very different. To be honest, men are easier to tell apart then women. Don't know why.

That is, if we are talking only about the features of the face, for example.

Then there are some extra "bonus" signs that can help.
For example, I think that Japanese people don't make eye contact (don't hold it for long). Koreans seem to hold eye contant longer. They seem also louder. (may be it is just me?)

And something that can be used only abroad, for example in Denmark: I can always tell a Japanese person when I see them try to cross the street looking first to the right and then to the left - I was shouting after a man the other day, because he was about to walk right infront of a car - he was expecting it from the wrong direction...

but again: it comes down to each person - some Japanese people do have chinese features.

marimari said...

To Shantal ForSD

Your comment has a lot of suggestions.
I would like to write about something on this blog in the near future.

Kyoto said...

Ah, stereotypes...

You're right. In Europe all of the asians are automatically categorized as "chinese", unless (s)he has a camera, which means (s)he is japanese, of course(笑)(yeah, it's horrible, I know it u_u')

But is more or less the same in Japan, isn't it? For you all the non-asian people can speak english... And of course that's not true(笑)

By the way, it's really frustrating when I ask something in japanese and the answer is "soori, ai donto supiku engurishu" and that person runs away... I wasn't speaking in english, right? So why do they ignore me??? I'm never going to understand that... T^T

marimari said...

To Kyoto

I am sorry to hear that.
Maybe the Japanese people got
so confused and embarrass.

By the way, you like emoji.

Melissa said...

I think maybe it's quite true for some people about Asian races.

Usually I can distinguish Japanese from Chinese and Korean people..

I have a funny experience about being Asian when I was in Japan, Japanese people think that I'm Korean, sometimes Chinese, and sometimes they even think that I'm also a Japanese hahaha...
And in the plane back to my country, Indonesia, Indonesian people thought that I'm Japanese! Ahahaha...

marimari said...

To Melissa

Oh, you can tell Japanese from Chinese and Korean?
That's interesting.

Some Asian people may look people of different's countries in Asia.

Saku said...

Oh I can't tell sometimes... ^^; If it really is a Japanese I know it is one.
When I'm not sure if it is a Japanese, then I know it isn't.
But I could never tell what else it is... *haha*
I also can't tell from which country an European comes... For me English, France, German, etc look the same :D I can only tell Italian and Turkish people from other people *haha*

marimari said...

To Saku

In my hometown, we usually don't
see European. We see people from
Peru and Brazil. But I can't tell.
And I don't see Italian
or Turkish.